Insert something witty about (my) size here.

So the night has arrived for the epic meal at Champany's Chop and Ale House with Toni, Ali and Rachel.

It was AMAZING - Here is an overview of the meal, mainly my med/rare steak. However the others would like to draw the viewers attention to the two glasses in the middle of the shot. As Toni and I were driving we were on the soft drinks, sensible we thought. Upon arrival Ali and Rachel ordered their wine and beer respectively. Toni ordered lemonade and I a coke. The laughter came when they arrived with very similar glasses for Toni and I, but mine was a little bit smaller, "Cheryl sized" was the exact description, followed by laughter! This was a mere coincidence at first...until the second drinks order arrived...even changing drinks choice still led to this epic insult of me (yes the short small one) being blessed with the 'childs' glass! How could this be. Ali even explored the idea the waiter was deliberately making a joke at my expense. My belief is that the other 3 are abnormally tall...but hey.

Fantastic night finished off we me eventually enjoying some wine and comedy at home with Rachel. Blissful night.

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