
By BikerJim

~Greater Roadrunner At Sunset~

~Geococcyx californianus~
~Stone Canyon Arizona~

Out this evening to photograph my favorite Saguaro skeleton.
Hike over the hill and there was a roadrunner sitting on the ribs.
This bird was so patient while I took many photos of him.
I used different lenses, changing locations and angles.
Then he saw his next meal, a small lizard sitting on a rock.
He swooped down off his perch and captured his dinner.
Then ran off into the brush with a tail hanging out of his mouth.

The roadrunner is a very predatory bird and a carnivore.
It mainly feeds on insects, small reptiles, rodents,
tarantulas, scorpions and small birds.
It does fly, but spends most of its time on the ground.
And can run at speeds of 15 mph or more.
Pairs mate for life, and will hunt in concert.
They can reach 25 inches in length, with an equal wingspan.
The Native Americans would worship them as spirit gods.

Thanks for letting me share.

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