Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Lake Union and the Olympics

We really wanted to have a row this morning in the sun on mirror-like water - but there was frost everywhere and our "rule" is no walking on slippery docks with a boat on your shoulder. (We didn't use to pay attention to this...) We could have waited for it to get warm which it certainly did - but there was too much else to do. SO... I took the camera (and the polarizer) with me on our "usual" backup walk up the hills in our neighborhood and then the 300 steps. This is the view from the top of the steps - one can see the beginning of the ship canal on the right and the bridge I sometimes blip from my roof deck...(with boats going out, leaving the in-the-water-boatshow which ended yesterday) and then through the locks and out to Puget sound which you can just barely see. And it's glorious to see the mountains like this!
Spent too much time looking at plumbing fixture places for a bathroom remodeling project that we need to do- but there so many choices, it's a bit overwhelming...

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