at the seaside! We found the seal lying on a spit of the Zandmotor, surrounded by gulls. Enjoying the warmth of the sunlight.
Our walk brought us also to the swan and since Mischa and I had bought seeds especially for waterbirds Mischa could scatter it before her. Could she drink that salt water? and for how long? Some questions arose such as if it was sound to leave her on her own or did she needed help. When we set on our walk back she swom with us for a while.
The sanderlings did not mind if we came near, they were all too busy to find their food. They are so beautiful, too.
It was again a freezing cold day, especially walking with the wind against us, but till now I think it is very healthy to be outside.

My haiku:

Sparkling ice cristals
Covering the sand in light
Almost blinding the eye

And the italian proverb I think a special one for me:

If the eye do not admire, the heart will not desire.

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