Canton cultures

In this row of shops on the main road near my daughter's quieter road there are, among many other interesting establishments, a Sicialian pizza restaurant (red frontage on the left), an Italian cafe (blue frontage), a bakery that has been there for 100 years and so is probably the oldest established of all of these businesses, a balti restaurant and, the most recent addition, a Polish grocery. How wonderful to have all these possibilities available! I love Cardiff's multiculturalism which reminds me of Oxford where I lived from the late 1960s to the mid-eighties.

(And today we've even seen the sun once or twice!)

As I was taking the photo I had the unusual experience for a woman of my age of having a lorry-cab full of bin men hooting and waving at took me a few seconds to realise they wanted their picture taken, so I took a very bad one just as they passed me, and just to please them!

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