Strip club. Mouldy stories part III

(continues from last blip...)

Me: Only kidding, sorry. I thought it would be funny...

Unknown: r u Mouldy or his wife or not??

Me: I promise you I am not Mouldy, his wife or anyone connected with either of them. There is a Spyglass pub where I live... Weymouth...

But that is as far as it goes for a connection...

Long silence.

Unknown: Oh dear, now I think I just got muddled up with numbers...

Wow! My mentioning Weymouth has been a hit! It is my town, and my Spyglass! But I need to reassure him, or he won't tell me any more stories...

Me: Honestly, I don't think I know you. But if it helps, my name is Marta.

This time the text comes back quick.

Unknown:Nah, that name doesn't ring a bell. What a small world! I used to live in Weymouth... Uff!! That is a relief!!

Me: What about Stuart? Does he still live in Weymouth? And Harvey? The pefted sister?

Long long silence

Beep beep, Beeeeeep!

Finally, another text....

Unknown: How strange! Harvey still lives in Weymouth. Another Mouldy story.... A group of us went to Germany for a few nights to watch a football game. We got to the hotel which was in this little tiny back alley, with only a strip club visible around us. Excited at being away we all piled in there on the first night. At some point, Mouldy got up and went to the toilet, but had some trouble working out which door to go in. He picked one and went in, did his business and then went to wash his hands. he then noticed that the wall was just a giant curtain and through a gap could see the women getting changed next door! Problem was, the strippers saw him too! He raced on out, back to our table when a woman walked in and told him he was in the ladies toilet! The next stripper to appear started dancing until she clapped eyes on Mouldy and then began to shout at him.... we could make out she was calling him a pervert! To

Beep, beeep Beeeeeeep!!!

Unknown: this day he is the only person anyone knows who has been kicked out of a strip joint for being a pervert!!!!

So, dear blippers. What should I do? Should I text him back? (I think he is a bloke, don't you?)?

Should I try to meet him?.....

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