
By LeeAnne


29 Day February Challenge

Thank you all for your lovely comments over the last couple of days... yesterday's effort made it to the spotlight page! Maybe the whole self portrait thing isn't as scary as I thought!

Am glad I peeked at some of the other challenge photos at lunchtime today... I had muddled myself up and thought it was toys today! I was planning to pick myself out of the gutter and find my lego though... there's only so much naughty stuff I can get away with!!

So surprise, surprise it's the view from my office again! I don't think I'll ever get sick of watching the sun go down from my desk. It is really quite something. I never seem to manage to do it any justice although this one way back when I started out was pretty cool. I spent some time last night getting my head round the shutter speed, aperture and ISO clever stuff and I think perhaps I'm finally getting it. I experimented today and it's starting to make much more sense. Thank you for all your tips and helpful advice... it's sinking in!

Now I think I might make a start on my lego for tomorrow. I've only had it for a year. My brother has a bit of a lego thing and I remember taking the piss telling him he was too old he's past 40... sorry GB for lego. He informed me that you're never too old for lego! So for my birthday he bought me a vintage VW Beetle (my dream car although if I win the lottery I'm having an R8 Spyder) and I've yet to build it! Tonight is the night!

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