Northern Exposure

By Northern

It's reaaly, reeeeaaaly sore....

Campbell took a wee tumble off his bike today.

For once I managed to get to the top of the hill first and was standing feeling smug when a bloodcurdling scream rent the air. I looked back to see Ruairidh picking Campbell's bike off the top of him and two wee legs sticking up in the air.

He appeared to be head first down in the ditch at the side of the road.

When I reached him I realised he wasn't quite in the ditch but just on the slope heading down. Thankfully, as the ditches here go all the way down to hell.

We went through the checking that nothing was broken or fallen off routine, no cuts, snaps or bits round the wrong way. Just a few scrapes and looming bruises. Then got him back on the bike and home.

He then enjoyed himself for an hour or so with his feet up, an ice pack and looking very pathetic whilst watching the Chuckle Brothers. Note the big Puss in Boots eyes... he honestly thinks I fall for that, I don't think so!

Meanwhile.... I achieved a dream!!!

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