Waterfoot Sunrise

By alasdairb

Rain, Rain and More Rain!

They were forecasting up to 2" of rain for the West of Scotland today and I think that amount has already fallen! It was battering off the roof window all night, but mercifully eased off as I was heading for my morning run. Must be mad going out in this weather, either that or addicted like I am to Blip!

Anyway, on top of the 100" of rain my farmer friend tells me we have had this year that makes it 102", which must be some kind of record. In World terms, the UK is pretty small, so how come large parts of it are squelching in a mass of water while other parts are in drought? Makes you wonder!

At least the weather gives us something to talk about as there is always something happening. While running through the muck and puddles I noticed that there was lots of water in a little stream beside Sally's Walk. I like the spot as there is often some wildlife about in Spring and Summer. The railings in the distance are part of a cordoned off area where lambs come down to drink. Roll on those Spring days when their bleating sounds fill the air!

With all the water and the blown over tree, today's blip kind of sums up our winter weather - wet and windy!

Camera club tonight with a speaker talking about a Carradale wildlife photographer who specialised in shots of Golden Eagles. Looking forward to it.

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