Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

...I'm not going to try...

... to blip a bird today. Yesterday's blue jay duel has ended up being my highest rated blip ever and I am feeling a bit overwhelmed and, at the same time, chuffed by all the stars, hearts and comments. In fact, I had a hard time getting my head in the car today.

I decided that I would not even try to outdo myself today. So, I grabbed the last few tulips from the Valentines' bunch that hubs gave me and decided to try my hand with a flower instead. It doesn't move, which was helpful. That said, I always find flowers quite challenging, especially white ones. I am reasonably happy with this although I'd like the center to be a bit crisper. But it will do.

By the way, Seymour and Sylvia are both in a snit about all the attention that the birds are getting. There was plenty of screeching coming from their corner of the woods today. And one of them ate almost all of the homemade suet before I got downstairs this morning ... not to point fingers, but Seymour is looking a little "girthy" these days. He's having a hard time hauling is hairy butt up the deck rails.

I think love is in the air in bird-land. I see more of the male finches feeding the females, and today one of the downies was industriously drumming his little heart out on one of my "artistically arranged" branches on the deck. I also saw a rafter (thanks MichiganMan for teaching me this word!) of turkey hens in the yard and a short distance away were 3 toms, waddles wagging. The hens ran into the woods gobbling madly as the toms scurried along behind. Yes, folks, love is in the air!

Thank you all so very much for the accolades on yesterday's blip. You've humbled me.

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