Giving this a go...

By Debiives


We've had a great day today. Started with a long lie- no idea what time the boys were up but they read stories in Cameron's bed quietly enough for us to sleep until after 9!

Then we went into London to watch a Broncos training session which was open to season ticket holders. For some reason only about 20 out of over 1000 people turned up but that made it seem even more special for us. It was really interesting watching them train and afterwards they all signed posters and chatted to us. I sat on a wall chatting to the head coach for ages (but didn't quite get brave enough to tell him to show a bit of enthusiasm and passion when his team is playing!) and when he asked Andrew who his favourite player was he then sent one of the players into the changing room to fetch Chris Bailey out to say hi to Andrew. I told him my favourite was Melling because of his thighs but he didn't get him sent out to show me them.
We were told we were allowed to put photos on social network sites but are not allowed to say anything about anything we may have seen or heard at the session. So if any spies from Huddersfield are reading this don't try and get any info from me.

After that we went for a walk in some woods & nature reserve on the edge of Wimbledon Common. We saw parakeets, kestrels, a vole type thing, a frog, horses and 2 dogs that looked like bears.

Then we came home to watch Wales win the rugby :-)

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