Giving this a go...

By Debiives

Another loss

It seems we weren't good luck charms being at the training session yesterday! Broncos played better than in the first 3 games of the season but lost again. Huddersfield Giants were just too good. And as their name suggests they've got a lot of very big players who most of our team can't tackle effectively. Also a lot of odd decisions (not always against us) from a very inexperienced ref which didn't help the game.

After the game Ross dropped me off in Woking and I ran home along the canal. 11.2 miles in 1hr 48 mins. I started slowish and kept it steady for 6 miles then decided to let the pace pick up a bit as I felt strong. Ran the 2nd half 2 full mins faster than the first so a good negative split and I'm feeling good about my half marathon in 4 weeks.

We're watching the Scotland game now so I need to stay away from looking at photos until it's finished in case I see the result.

PS. Sorry about the slight fuzziness, I forgot my 'real' camera and had to crop
PPS. Broncos fans- where were you today?

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