Made in China

By ChickyBabe


I didn't start work till ten today so I had my camera with me and took this picture in the taxi. When I was on the way back to the school I teach in from the school I do my headhead teacher job in, I tried to get some nice outside pictures because that means a lot to me. But because I was running out of time, I had to tell the taxi driver to drive faster. He was going crazily fast that I couldn't get one nice picture. The only thing I got was blury photos when I was almost there. He stopped for two seconds while we were waiting for the light to go green. I saw the buildings behind me through the rear- view mirror, I thought: " Mm, this is it. " I clicked. Suprisingly, when I looked at the picture, I could not only see the buildings, but me. I didn't mean to take the picture that way, but it turned out a good one by accident. Anyway, I'm happy with it.

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