The Blackcountry Man

By brickmaker

The Loneliness of a Long distance Beach Walker..

He's not really lonely, his name is Bill and we went to the Isle of Wight with him and Marge for some company.
This was taken this morning as we made our way across the Sea front at Sandown, as this is where we stopped for our long weekend break.

The hotel was adequate, clean and the staff were really friendly and helpful what more could you ask, and we only paid £139 each including the coach and crossing, they even threw in an Island trip too.

We are back home now and all is well, but not for Bill and Marge, they have found there house was broken into and they were robbed, the police have been and taken forensic evidence, I do hope they catch the Bas****s.

Will be back to normal tomorrow night.

BTW the hand is coming on a treat I have most of my grip back and there is no pins and needles. Thanks for asking about me.

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