Scoots, Shoots & Leaves

By TerriG

E is for ... Electric Bass

This is my wonderful electric bass. I'm a pretty average bass player and it's a pretty average bass, but I love to play, it's so fun, and I can pretend I'm cool. I played it on a song in our choir concert in December. Someone told me their kid thought I was cool. That made my day!

I bought this bass at an instrument auction years ago. The only thing I knew about it in advance was that it was purple. That was good enough for me. I went, I bid, I won.

I had a hard time deciding between this photo and one that's a bit geekier. You can look at the other one here.

Up to week 5 in pontycyclops's alphabet challenge. I like this challenge, I'm keeping the letter of the week in the back of my mind but not stressing about it. Of course, I haven't gotten to 'X' yet. How many xylophones will be posted I wonder.

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