Copenhagen and Me.

By RtCph

Could You Say No?

I did and I don't have to buy a dozen silk gloves for the honour. Mrs Cph really didn't like the lady in this frame whereas I kinda thought it was the point. In my post processing madness I asked for her opinion of which treatment to go with ......mistake. Never mind, I hope you can see the humour in this woman on a mission. Pity The Fool.

Having recently commented that there were too many B&W "arty" shots on Blip I think this is now my fourth in a row - what a hypocrite. I just loved the light sources here that only really show themselves in b&w.

In other news; the prints for the canteen arrived today - they're rather good and I'm pleased. Now let's see what 100+ colleagues think. Photo in situ to follow.

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