Views of my world

By rosamund


Finished the landscaping today and submitted my report.

I was very grateful to have some help as my back could not manage shovelling hardcore from bag to barrow. My job was to stomp, ensuring the structural integrity of the hill and flattening it all down with as much weight as possible.

At one point I was standing on top stomping on hardcore when I slipped and ended up straddling the tunnel in a most undignified manner, a quick glance assured me that all the staff and children were looking the other way so I quickly jumped up and went about my business.

Once it was all done the children absolutely LOVED playing on it, they enjoyed running over it and crawling under it, some even jumped off the end of the tunnel. I heard tales from the back garden too of children helping each other over the giants causeway, holding hands and cheering and clapping when they made it safely across.

That's what it's all about!

I was so thankful for the helpers - Dorothy (again), Jamie, Scott, and Ryan & his pal who did all the hard work. Liz and Shona who did the recruitment, and Robert who I found in the back garden with a drill fixing the damaged sandboxes who gave up more time to mount some mosaics to the wall which were made almost a year ago.

Bernice has promised money from the parents committee for 70m of native hedgerow to screen the playgrounds from the road and she's promised the proceeds from the next two events to the garden too. I just need to get Sheena to pay for big bamboo plants from the Eco committee and we'll be sorted by summer. It's all so exciting seeing our plans come to fruition, and all because we got the finger out and got on with it (and the fact we secured 3 different grants to help).

It all started with a woman named Joyce. Some people just inspire you.

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