The second half of life..

By twigs

Bert & Ernie

Binsies twinsies.

My 2 monarch caterpillars have now devoured most of the leaves on this smaller Swan plant - they've munched their way to the top, turned around, and are now heading back down, presumably in search of bits they missed first time round.

I've contemlpated moving them onto the larger plant in the next pot along but feel I should talk to E, my Monarch expert, before doing so just in case there's a reason not to.

In other news - I found myself 'nesting' today and buying things for my campervan. I think it could end up being a rather well equipped and cosy wee van. All I need now is the van :( !!

And finally, very pleased to say that normal weather has resumed today - back into shorts and tee-shirts with the sun beating warmly down on us :) Mowed the lawns late afternoon and will aim to do a bit more in the garden during the week. I love to garden when I have the time to make it a contemplative activity - to rest the mind and ease the body - so will make a special effort to leave work earlier this week than I have for the past few weeks and enjoy the late afternoon early autumn sunshine :)

Bed calls


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