Red Squirrel


Saturated 'Shroom

Today is very grey, very wet, cold and quite windy. Erm ... where did spring go?
Young Saskia had told me of a rather derelict day-launch at the bottom of their garden 'surrounded by snowdrops' (her words, not mine), and invited me to take some pics, as it sounded possibly a good blip. Unfortunately the 'surrounded by snowdrops' turned out to be just a large patch front right and some clumps towards the back. I did take a few shots, but didn't really see them as potential blips. However, eagle-eyed Saskia, knowing my liking for blipping fungi, had earlier spotted something she thought may be of interest, and took me to it - bingo!
The main, top section of this rather odd, leathery looking fungus reminded me somewhat of a conch shell with a tongue sticking out - the fact that it was very, very wet which makes it shine just added to that effect for me (although that may just be my rather strange imagination, lol!)
For a better view of the conch effect GO LARGE!

Saskia's enthusiasm for helping me find blips while we're dunging the paddock on a Sunday has sparked in her a real interest in the idea - she's now hinting to K & L that she'd like a camera for her 10th birthday in August, and plans to take up the free, basic blip membership with an interest in nature photography. Nice one!
Blip sorted, nice and early - thanks to Saskia - and as I have a BIG footie match to watch at 4 o clock, then have to be out at about 6 (later home than most weeks too, as there's a committee meeting as well), that's a real relief.

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