Well, that didn't go too badly. The course was very interesting in a scary sort of way. Every time a date for a new HMRC scheme was mentioned I did a quick calculation as to whether I would be retired or not by then. Hopefully I should miss some of them.

The driving was okay, I only got beeped at once, and that was when I waited to see which way an ambulance with lights and sirens blaring was going to go at a roundabout. Impatient pillock.

The flash black car which just had to overtake me even though I was driving at the speed limit, Micras do seem to have that effect on some drivers, was caught by the police camera van and chased by the police motorbike. Impatient pillock number 2.

I even found something rather nice to blip on my trip to the big city. Happy weekend all. Well, apart from the man in the black car I suppose.

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