Punk Rock Zoologist

By CaptVickHartnel

Sydney Harbour Bridge... Fine detail Shot

A little inspired by comedian Billy Connolly today, who is a lover of photos of historic landmarks taken so close you can't really tell what they are. I think this also shows all the engineering and the structure of the thing really well. Even though I'm not an engineer, I love seeing how things work and fit together like this. I have a few good friends who are civil engineers, so I say blame them.

Today was a great day. The beautiful KinkyCupcakes and I had a fantastic time at the Harry Potter exhibit, and then wandering around Darling Harbour and taking a rather odd boat tour, that capt picking up more people and going over the same things. Like I said, a bit odd, but good fun and very informative.

So now we're sat around at Tsuken's place with delicious home made pizza and Avatar on BluRay. Quite the good day :).

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