Pics from Zone Flâneur

By paulperton

What whale?

The phone rang a few minutes ago; it was our neighbours to tell us that a Southern Right whale was frolicking and tail slapping just offshore.

And it was, but not just offshore; it was about a kilometre out. And by the time I had dug out my 500mm mirror lens it had gone off the idea.

So, instead of standing in an open window freezing my unmentionables off in the late winter afternoon, hoping it would return, I decided to use the long lens to grab a pic of Cape Point.

Generally thought to be the southern tip of the African continent (it isn't as Cape Agulhas is some distance further south), the Point has a lighthouse perched on the rocks just above the ever tumultuous Atlantic waters - look closely about threequarters of the way down the slope on the LHS and you might spot it's pinprick of light. Don't confuse it with the radio tower on top!

At a guess, the Point is probably 30km away across False Bay.

Nikon D2x 500mm f8 Nikkor reflex

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