Off Centre

By RachelCarter

Head in a hole

I was taking a photo through this gap then Tess's grinning head suddenly appeared. She and the dog have a habit of popping into shot

There's proof that you can see through the hole here: 10th March 2012

After a couple of useless, foggy days I'm glad to find my brain hasn't actually fallen out (I honestly did wonder) and I've got this all sorted (including some DNS settings tweaking that I really could not have coped with 2 days ago):
Flash-Fiction South West

I've remembered to do the '5 things' thing and will now throw out the first things that come into my head:

1. Sand
2. Jacket potatoes
3. Hair dye
4. Other writers
5. Photography (I got my package from the Open University for my digital photography course today and haven't opened it yet!)

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