Off Centre

By RachelCarter

You can come out now!

That's quite a big sign - when you see your very first patch of dewy daisies of the year waving at you from the garden, in the morning sunshine, don't you think?
It's like they've gone on ahead and checked it's warm enough and light enough and they're giving the sign that it's time to come out to play.

I knelt in the wet grass and performed all sorts of nonsense with hairy dewdrops (not that kind!), close-ups and macro shenanigans only to decide that today's pic should be more about the inspiration and motivation that came from the whole shooting match (excuse the pun) - the view of daisies under a tree, sunshine and cheerfulness that attracted my attention in the first place - not a blob of water or trying to be clever.

So there's the view that met me this morning and made me smile.

Five good things ( Five Good Things)for today:

1. Daisies
2. People submitting to the Flash-Fiction South West collection
3. Discovering that although I'm not a huge poetry buff I like Frank O'Hara - or more to the point his attitude to writing: writing for the sake of writing and loving more than anything the actual process and hopefully getting to share something but not getting precious about or being overly bothered about what happens to the work afterwards.
4. It was still light after Richard finished work tonight so we could go for a walk and watch the sun set over the sea. Hooray!
5. Missing Antiques Roadshow so I can do my Blipfoto. Phew...

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