Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman


I decided to walk around to the grove to see if Ibu Teta was around and possibly persuade her to provide a blip for me. On the way, I met this rather intense looking chap.

Introducing Davidono.

Looks however, can be deceiving and in actual fact, Davidono was a very friendly and amenable fella and happy to let me do the blip thing. I did actually capture a smile in the short session, but this was my favorite shot of the bunch.

Davidono is on holiday from his homeland of Holland and after spending a week in Bandung, was off to Jakarta, the capital city.

I too look rather fierce and imposing, especially with the shaven head. Tesa's friends would never come to visit if I was home and disappeared rapidly when I arrived home from work. This kind of suited me, as after a twelve hour shift I was not in the mood for socializing, but it was rather embarrassing or disappointing that people would form an opinion purely from appearances.

"So why the bald head, if it scares people", I hear you ask. The answer is precisely that, it scares people. My main hobby is playing billiards, but playing pool in bars, especially in England, is a dangerous pastime. Things always seem to get out of hand, arguments over the coins, whose turn it is, people wanting to play for money and then refusing to pay up, denying foul shots, cheating, the list goes on. I was an easy target, but all that changed when I shaved my head.

I don't actually need the bald head now, as such problems do not, or rarely occur, but I got used to being bald and actually like it. On the odd occasion when I don't shave and my hair length approaches ¼ inch, it becomes irritating and has to go! I haven't owned a comb or paid for a haircut in fifteen years or so. I never suffer from sticky-up hair in the morning and when it rains, I just wipe my head with my T-shirt, job done.


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