The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM


A trio of fun.

It was our ultimate pleasure to have the Great nephew and his hangers on, entertain us at breakfast.

I think his Grandad is a bit besotted.

The soggy toast which was smeared into his hair, bothered him not a jot. He even enjoyed the face lift Ollie gave him, while pulling his hair and forehead even higher than normal. The banana that Ollie was mashing up with his gums was not wasted. It was consumed with a passion. His Dad was disapointed that it wasn't being "Squidged back out for the camera". I on the other hand was not.

What a great way to start the day.

Today at work, I was in tears!

The video conferencing ability of my manager was tested. I managed to set up the machine for her, but she couldn't conect with the other participants. After a full 40 mins sitting, we went off to do some work, only to be called back again a few minutes later. The three of us that made it, were asked to sit closer to the camera, but to alter the screen so we were all visible. In moving the screen I inadvertantly disconected the plug.
Yes I was in tears. Once I composed myself and stopped laughing I had to go back to my manager and confess.

Oh you get the idea I wasn't keen at being on telly?

Shame, wasn't it?

At least I got to get on with my own work.

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