A Hooter at the Shore

With my STAY OUT OF THE SUN antibiotics, and the tingling sensation that comes with it...I'm freaking out about going outdoors. I waited until 4 p.m. to venture out. When I did finally go, I put on a long sleeve shirt, and a floppy hat. Good thing I didn't bring a snowmobile suit down with me. I probably would have put that on, too.

It turned out to be quite an educational 4 hours...in a birds and bees kind of way. And...I didn't see any bees. I saw a pair of terns oohing and cooing, and then the male tern took his turn on top of the female tern. Quickly it was over. The action shifted to the trees.

2 mournings doves were dipping and drooling for what seemed like forever. I watched so long I felt like a peeping Tim. Again...the male jumped on, and it was over quickly. I'm pretty sure I got pictures of both couples. Perhaps a little twisted.

I had just finished watching the doves when I saw a lump in the trees. I thought it was another nest. I looked closer. IT'S AN OWL!!! IT'S AN OWL!!

I rarely get to see them. The lighting wasn't good, and I wished I had a BIG DADDY lens instead of my LITTLE MOMMA. But...you do the best you can.

At first I could make popping noises with my mouth, and he would look down. Then, he got WISE, thinking that if he ignored me that I would go away. I finally decided to go, and come back later.

He was in the same spot from 4:30 until 7:30. The sun finally set, and my camera didn't want to focus any more. So exciting! It was a real hoot to see him. The encounter made my day!

Click on LARGE to see some claws.

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