Edge of the cordon

It's getting smaller - both the central city and the cordon. You go up Madras as far as Tuam St and turn right (no left or straight ahead).

The corner isn't so pretty as you can see.

The squat building at the lower left corner of the trolley is Alice's Video. Aren't we glad for the days of post 1931 Napier Earthquake government buildings? They built the High St Post Office strong (Alice's Video for many years now).

It's undamaged and the fabulous art house collection of DVDs lives on. It will reopen with a small theatre and C1 Cafe will share the building too.

Yep, that means all that empty space is where the High St block between Tuam and Lichfield and Poplar Lane used to be. The Twisted Hop seems to have survived. It's a top wee micro brewery and hopefully they'll reopen too.

Hmmm, leaves me feeling a bit sad. It was my favourite part of town.

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