Constant Exposure

By constant

Look Daddy, No Net!

Holly had her first day in her new school. She was up before any of us; dressed and had made herself breakfast. She was very nervous about starting school. She knows nobody in her class, so it was all unknowns to her. When we picked her up after school she was in fine form. She even has a new friend now.

In the evening we took Emma to see her new school and teachers. She starts next Monday. Emma is not anxious at all. Or at least, she doesn't show it.

In other news: Kim and I have been searching desperately to find passion fruit syrup for the rum drink I'm making for the Iron Chef competition on Saturday. And I still have to practice my shrimp dish. No rest for the wicked.

Also been following the whole Sarah Palin VP thing. It's sort of like watching a train wreck in progress, except the engine has jumped the rails and you can't tell who's going to get hit. The mind boggles at the spin that is being spun. I have to say that I'm *so* sorry for her Daughter, Bristol, and the boyfriend, Levi. Young kids thrust into such a spotlight, under such circumstances. My heart goes out to them. Actually, they are the first to have been hit then by the train.

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