official sighting...

...of a red robin

so now it's really spring, people!

at least that's according to my mother's theory... she used to base the coming season of spring - not on the calendar - march 21st... oh no... that made no difference to her - not one iota, she paid no never mind to that at all... growing up, mom always informed us kids the real way to know spring had arrived... was upon seeing our first robin!

when you'd been blessed to set eyes upon your first red robin - then it was official - spring was here! break out the spring jackets... start cleaning the windows... wear white shoes... pack away the heavy coats and mittens... hang laundry outside again... glory, glory - it was a time to celebrate all things new - get away from the gray drudgery of winter...

so here's my official sign that it's spring... the blessed sighting of my first red robin... whoo-hoo - now that makes for...


happy day.....

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