stuff & nonsense

By sleepyhead

A Returning Diner

The heron was back again today and I was completely surprised that he let me approach so close. The reason was he was in the middle of a hunt. Got a couple of snaps off before he lunged and pulled another frog from the water. Being only about 15 feet away they are quite detailed so I'm not going to post them here, but once I process them I'll stick a couple up on Flickr and link to them for anyone who might want to view them. For now, here's a post dinner snap. Think he was eyeing up seconds, but not long after, he decided against it and after circling a couple of times decided to leave. Aren't you supposed to wait half an hour after eating before flying?

In other news I had to make a call to my dentist today. Was eating my sandwich at lunchtime when I felt a crack and pulled out a chunk of tooth. Grrr... Now I haven't been to the dentist for erm... a number of years! I was totally shocked that they still had my name on their system. :- ) So, I have to wait until 10th April before they can see me. Fortunately, both hot and cold liquids are ok so far, so it doesn't seem like I've exposed the root. Time will tell!

Halfway through the week tomorrow. Have a great Wednesday all.

Thanks for your comments yesterday. Back in a bit to start my catch up with you.

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