
By Daystarimages

White Thistle Flower

I saw this flower yesterday and wanted to upload it to blip so went again today to photograph it. It is a white thistle flower. I have never seen white on a thistle unless it has gone by and is going to seed. This is a live bloom. All the ones I have seen before are purple and there were some in this area that were purple also.
I had to climb over a barrier that keeps people safe from falling down the steep decline hillside, but I think it was worth the effort.
So much has happened in the last couple of days and I want to get it down. On Saturday, a group of 4 of us were at the Christ church compound and we decided to sit in a garden area to pray about our situation in the land. The Lord had already impressed upon us that He had opened a door for us that no man could shut. As we sat, I looked at the building in front of us and there stood an open door, one that I have yet to see open since we entered th land nearly 7 months ago. Not only was the outer gate open but the inner door as well. The open door thought came back immediately and we prayed into that. As we were praying, someone came and closed the inner door but left a sign on it that it was still open. Needless to say, we were blessed.

This morning I discovered, because of a news report that a Canadian Israeli had won a singing contest. As I watched it, this show, like American Idol or Britain's Got Talent, The judges are back to the person that is singing so they are only moved by what they hear and not by what they might see. The Voice is what is important. When the prophet Samuel went to the household of Jesse to select a king, there is the statement that God does not look at the physical appearance but at the heart. This is what I saw this morning and Saturday, do not be moved by what we see, but by what God has to say.

Wow and again I say, Wow.

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