
By Daystarimages

al Shaykh Sa'd

A painted rendering of this village just South East of Jerusalem. It was an experiment in photoshop. I kinda like it.

I had a rather shocking revelation this morning. There was a message Sunday night that said that God's light is God's love. That is what it boiled down to. Then last night my wife was watching a testimony of a believer on you tube that said that the light of God's presence was so bright that it would have blinded us in the natural. And that if His light is His love, in the natural we could not take it in. Only our spirit is able to just barely deal with the intensity. I am beginning to "understand" the scriptural references to those awesome men of God like Moses and Elijah and Job.
Moses had to be hidden in a crevice of a rock with God's hand over his position as He, God passed by. Only the back side of God's glory was so bright that Moses face took on the immense brightness.

I am undone.

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