First Day of School Holidays

Lazy day!! Woohoo!!

C&R sr as well as R jr and A, with Joe to join them, went to school this morning to move the computers from C's computer lab. The workers must replace her current flooring with tiles.

I stayed at home to cook for us. Luvvvv'd it! I made a very interesting chicken dish, everything in one pot to fry, then in the oven with 2 cups chicken stock, bake until rice absorbed all the fluids, yummy, serve with a toss salad, and enjoy!

Came upstairs to reply to a few school e-mails, but fell asleep with the computer on my lap! Hiehiehie!! Then decided to go for an official blipwalk in the complex! This sweet little flower in my neighbour's garden won the prize for today!

I am going to look into pics for the past few days, will catch up with backblips tonight! I have backblipped now for:
30 March
31 March
3 April as well as
4 April, if you are interested. ;-)

Wishing you all a joyful Easter weekend! God bless!

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