Punk Rock Zoologist

By CaptVickHartnel

Happy Pastover (Spaghetti Yeti)

Happy Pastover everyone, and no that's not a typo. For anyone not in the know Pastover is a Pastafarian holiday, with no specific date, but usually around the time of Easter/Passover. To celebrate, KinkyCupcakes found a recipe online for a Spaghetti Yeti. It's a block of tofu, carved in to a basic hominid shape and then skewered through with sticks of raw spaghetti. Then cooked so that the spaghetti droops down like hair. Ours didn't quite turn like the one on the website in that they didn't stand up, but drenched in the creamy garlic and mushroom sauce a made they tasted pretty good. Finished off with a lemon meringue pie. The lemon was a bit gloopy, but the consensus was still that it tasted great. Hope the Flying Spaghetti Monster is being good to you.

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