Let There Be Light

By solli

Easter Lilacs

I'd like to wish everyone a Happy Easter, thank you for all your good wishes and I hope you all had a very joyous day!

Easter Service was wonderful! The church was filled with beautiful flowers, a joyful spirit prevailed and every child was dressed in their Easter best with little suits, button down shirts and ties, pastel dresses and patent leather shoes. One little girl even wore a fascinator! It was so lovely I wanted to cry. Seeing them brought back memories of my youth when there was a 5th Avenue Easter Parade in New York City and all our mothers made us wear petal flower hats to church.

The men of the Knights of Columbus hosted an egg hunt on the lawn after the Mass; actually all the eggs were in plain sight so I guess I should call it a scramble since that's what the kids did once they were let loose with their baskets.

When we got home I basted the lamb with garlic and rosemary, put it into a low temp oven and took my son and daughter-in-law to visit my sister. Today was her birthday and I bought her a soft white lamb that she called Lamb Chops but quickly renamed Yvette which we all agreed was the proper name for a French lambkin with two pink bows behind its ears.

The lilacs are from an ancient tree in my backyard that I'd guess is about 45 years old. They're just beginning to bloom and I expect I'll be blipping a lilac series as the days progress. :) I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

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