the edges of my life

By raej

Fankles or Cankles? Day 6

I seem to have lost my ankles - the right one disappeared a few days ago, the left joined it today. My skin is so swollen and tight it feels like its about to burst. Yup the glamorous side of bear nursing :) long long hours on my feet I guess. It's 10 at night - just got home and lying on my bed with the old fankles held high hoping gravity will help .......
No dramatic eye restorations today but 4 more bears got assessed. Little Kollo has both eyes open now and is playing with crazy Murko who is housed next door.
Thank you all for wonderful comments and support. I will be able to chat and answer questions and catch up on all your blips on weds. Whoohoo a day off. But gotta get through tomorrow first ... Then our wonderful eye specialists are off to china to help our bears at our rescue centre there. :)

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