Ready for Winter

Swimming pool cover in place, winter garden planted, seems like we have accepted what we can't change!! Hiehiehie!

C and I planted and replanted the whole garden today, in preparation for winter. R sr organised and cleaned out the garage and his work benches, he installed good lighting in R jr's home gym and did some welding of brackets and stands for several apparatus in his garage and workplace, Joe helped him with some of the tasks, as well as doing some diagnostic work on a computer or two that needed some fixing, and R jr had to go back to university for his second term which started today, and he took his sweet little A with him, she sat and read another thick book in the student cafeteria on campus while he attended his classes, where after they had a nice lunch in the cafeteria.

C 'braaied' (bbq'd) some marinated ribs and steak for supper, with which we had chips and a toss salad, made by moi. All of us are tooootally exhausted but soooo satisfied with the results for the day! Early night for us tonight, need to recharge the batteries!! ; -)

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