2014 more running needed

By Brianporterrun

Open wide

Thank you everyone for your kind words yesterday.
This really is a very nice, kind place to be.

Something a little more mundane but still necessary today: a trip to the dentist.

I am blessed to have an excellent doctor (who is really earning his salary with me at present) and an equally excellent dentist.

It never takes her long to tell me how good my teeth are but I knew there would be work to do today after losing a piece of a tooth a couple of months ago. But that's for another time as she couldn't do it today.

The offer of a crown on the tooth with a bridge to fill the gap where I had to have one of my "baby" teeth removed 6 months ago, sounded too expensive. I figured the London Underground has managed with "The Gap" for decades so I can live with mine!

Although it was an early blip it is a late submission as I listen to Fleetwood Town versus Wrexham. A win for Fleetwood will take them into The Football League. A brilliant achievement. As I post I am actually waiting for the final whistle. It is currently 1 - 1. So Fleetwood may have to wait until Friday to secure promotion.

I know I mention football a lot but it seems the longer I follow football the more football I follow: I meet so many wonderful people through it.

2 minutes to go and the damned i-player decides to buffer................ noooooooooo! Looking like it will be Friday now against Lincoln City. On the plus side I should be able to get a ticket for Friday. They were liking Rocking Horse droppings for tonight!

So it ended 1-1 So the champagne is on ice but the Fat Lady is tuning up. It's only a matter of time until they become the next Football League Club.

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