on the run...

...to the hills

this is not the best picture i took today...

however - it is the one that has a story attached which i want to remember in my journal... one that struck me as important because i want to always be one with the land - one with animals that live upon it - grateful we can share... we must share...

i was at the garden park today - living in an area fortunate to have such a beautiful place to visit, where wildlife abounds and in my opinion should have first reign... there are paths to drive, walk, bike, hike - those that drive tend to do so rapidly, not heeding the speed limit that is set - which is low... i've never understood this since much of the wildlife will cross the road - if you're driving fast, reaction time is thwarted and - well, you know what can happen... i saw in the distance a herd of deer frolicking in the meadow - thought i'd be able to spend some time with them - but cars were zipping by so fast - the closer i got, the more fearful i began to get... the deer began to get closer to the road - the cars didn't slow down - i knew they were going to cross the road... were those drivers blind? as the deer began to make their way across, cars swerved - didn't stop, oh no... so the deer began to leap and run - trying to get around the vehicles... i sped up - thinking i might help the deer... by the time i reached them, they were already up the side of the hill - all safe - my heart beating rather fast...

i snapped a few shots of them to record the moment... to remember - who has the right of way? man or beast? was the land here first? or a paved road? should we be kind to animals who help take care of the land for us - that we point at, like to look at - but then when they get in the way - when we're in a hurry, we try to fly by them? not everyone is like this - i realize i'm ranting... i tend to think of these deer as mine - i've established a bond with them through my photos and chatting with them - so of course, i long to keep them protected... desire safety for them... i'm grateful escape happened - a positive outcome was experienced by the entire herd - it made for...


happy day.....

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