Jean the Jean Genie #hiutdenim

Finally, after a long wait, I got my new Jeans from #hiutdenim . Initially following their story because a designer friend recommended them I soon became very interested in their plan to bring Jeans manufacture back to their Welsh town (Cardigan) which once made lots of them. So the skills were there, and we all love Jeans, so David and Clare Hieatt decided to make a jeans company, you can read all about it here. A blindingly simple, so perfect idea.

Once of the great things about it is that they are reemploying the people that used to work in the factory (or factories, I'm not sure) so they are retaining the knowledge and experience and actually using it.. They get the person that makes the Jeans to sign them, mine were made by 'Jean', who believe me makes a great pair of Jeans.. Comparable in price to top end Levis and the like they feel like much better value as..

a) they are better quality
b) they were made by a lady called Jean ;) That connection is brilliant, I might send her a Christmas card.. When they start making Jeans for women I wonder if I will be able to request that Jean makes a pair for H....
c) they are not fussy or faddy (although I'm not sure about the back pockets)
d) they are built to last, I will have them for years (not something I get from my knock about gap jeans)

As I tend to live in Jeans I suspect they are going to get a lot of wear so the history tag (mine is #darkdenim) will get a bit of use.

The main thing that I like though is that they are championing British (in this case Welsh ) manufacturing. I am sick of people saying that we make nothing (yes Mary Portas, you may be uber cool, but I do not like your tone on manufacturing). Most of our business comes from big manufacturing companies that make things, in Britain, with British people, sure some have global ownership but to say manufacturing in the UK is dead is just stupid.

So I take off my hat to Hiut (and put on my Jeans), I hope many others follow their story, take some inspiration and build something to be proud of.

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