Mediocrity Photography

By EqoZ

Skylights make me happy

Finally, a shot of the new office space! Unfortunately you get a semi-abstract shot of the wonderful main selling point (to me) that our space offers - skylights! Even on a now-overcast day (not so much when I took the shot, gladly), 80% of the office space gets so much more light than before. My desk is directly under one of these banks of skylights, so my desk is bathed with natural lighting with absolutely no glare on my computer monitors. This is a very good thing.

Furthermore, I've a nice panoramic view of the "south of downtown" area of Milwaukee. I'll put that one up sometime, I promise.

I spied this view of the skylights while sitting in a 1.5 hour meeting introducing us to the new conference room's technology - video conferencing, a 71" touch screen display that can act as a virtual whiteboard, 360 degree microphone, wine refrigerator... fancy stuff.

Anyways, amidst this deluge of technical whiz-banggery I noticed the beautiful light and shadows these angled skylights provide, and they are lovely. So I post it to share with you. I hope you enjoyed!

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