Chaco golden knee Tarantula (Grammostola pulchripe

I made a big booboo yesterday!! I forgot to tell you all that it is our dear Joe's birthday! He turned 24 yesterday and we had a great day with him, concluded by a nice supper at one of our very popular Restaurants, which moved to a new venue in the local Mall!

This is what we bought at the Pet Shop on Thursday! R jr was soooo surprised!! They bought him a small one about two weeks ago, but this one is much easier to handle and care for. This one is about one year of age, and eats whenever you give him a cricket or a mealworm, he ate 5 quite big crickets and 2 mealworms on Thursday, yikes!! Yesterday morning we had lots of fun, watching R jr feeding him a worm, when he did not react to the worm being carefully placed into his glass terrarium, R jr tried to retrieve the worm again, but boy, Mr Tarantula grasped his finger!! Wowzer, the reaction was absolutely brilliant! Wish I could show you R's face, the shock was something to remember! He surely respects this pet of his, and will definitely not take chances when handling him!! Hiehiehie!

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