the edges of my life

By raej

A dogs day

That saying in my old life thankfully didn't make sense - it means a crappy day basically - but being a dog here means every day is a fight for survival. This little guy and his sister have been in intensive care for the last week - he's going to make it but she's still critical. Despite all the TLC he has not tamed up - its like he knows this place is very very bad for dogs. So few live past 3-5 years.....
So my dogs day ...massive storm last night, trees and power lines down everywhere, 6am start to treat the pups, bloody big cockroach in my gumboot (note not nice to have one run up your leg first thing in the morning), bears going off their meds, workers calling in sick, my bike breaking down again, and that was just the start.....
But 9.30 now and over for another day - it has to get better tomorrow. At the very least must get out with the camera for some bear smiles.

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