L is for Lambs

L could be for lots of things today for the 26 week challenge. Lazy, lame or lamb - take your pick.......

We didn't go to bed till 2am I think. the fourth bottle of wine I shared with my friend may have just tipped me over the edge......I am just starting to shake off the heavy head. Drinking copious amounts of wine and fizz is not big and certainly not clever!

This photo was taken on the iPhone in the paddock next to our friends' home. We also saw a huge fox but I wasn't quick enough to snap it.

A quick visit to friends for a birthday hello and now we are home slobbing/recovering. I have loads of last minute action on my eBay stuff so I'll also be packing that and cooking dinner later.

Sunday night = The Voice and bed :)

Tomorrow is the first of three days in London - watch this space for crap mediocre Blips :)

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