looksee... looksee...

...at the african violet flower

that's showed up on my plant! and look closely... do you see? happy skippy dancing is what i'm doing... for there are more buds getting ready to bloom, too - these are not the only ones either - around on the other side, are about 3 or 4 more... who knows what has overtaken the african violet plant. it hasn't flowered for me in years... i talk to it - pamper it - feed it - give it light - provide it with its own very special spot away from the clutter of all the other household plants... i would think with care such as this, it would be flowering every year for me... but not the case!

now all of a sudden - one day i looked - did a double take to ensure i wasn't seeing things... nope - tiny buds had formed and i've watched the progression since; holding my breath... hoping it wouldn't die off before actually opening and boo! today is the day i get to share the glorious full blossom of pink... the beautiful ruffle along the petal... the slight glistening... a tiny bit of yellow... all combining - to make for...


happy day.....

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