Simply Me

By Suze981


This photo pretty much sums up my day today. And by that, I do mean that it's a little bit insane.

After 3 years of working together, Debs has a new job and today was her last day. I couldn't find the office decorations this morning so I made a series of pictures. This one, showing Debs Wallace (that's not her real surname...) is my favourite.

This afternoon Sarah fed me copious amounts of sugar in the form of Maoam pinballs and watched my sugar high. The conversation went from cannibalism to democracy. I posited some ludicrous theories and watched the rage boil up in some members of staff. It was hilarious.

Anyway, Debs will be missed. I wish her every luck in her new job, but at the same time, wish she wasn't leaving. It won't be the same without her. I'm the only member of the old gang left now. It's actually quite sad. Hopefully it won't be too long until I have my Wallace moment!

(yes I know, I'm a phenomenal artist, please don't all gush at once! ;) )

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