Scoots, Shoots & Leaves

By TerriG

L is for Liza is 3 today!

Yes, it's true, it's my 3rd birthday today. People usually think I'm younger, that I'm still a puppy, even. I guess it's because I eat right and exercise and moisturize. And let's face it, I'm pretty young at heart!

I think my ears are my best feature, what do you think? I know lots of people with large ears think they have to have cosmetic surgery to "fix" them, and some dogs' owners even have their ears cropped when they're pups - that's just cruel and inhumane! My ears are distinctive and I can do lots of things with them, I move them all around and even show emotion with them! Like when I'm excited, my ears go straight up; when I'm worried, they go straight back. I can have one ear up and one ear down, that makes my moms laugh. They had a bet about me having uppy or downy ears, so I just do a little of both to keep the peace in the family.

I'm going for a sleepover this weekend at my friend Emma's house - she's so good to me. My moms will be off making music and spending time with friends in the forest. I'll miss them, but Emma and I will have fun.

Well, I'm worn out from our scoot, so I'm going to take a nap now and rest my ears. See you later! View me LARGE, for fun.

A week behind on the 26 week alphabet challenge. I'll go for M this weekend - lots of opportunities with marimbas, mandolins, music, Motherlode.

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