
I do miss shadows when they're not here. This one in Roujan on my way back from buying a pigeon for lunch in the best butcher I know and chatting to Mme Perez about the effect on their trade of the new supermarket that opened on the outskirts of the village this week. She thinks it will be OK as people will still want proper meat from a proper butcher. Roujan is lucky enough to have two excellent butchers, and the other, slightly less excellent one (in my opinion) is going to have a shop in the new development. I won't go there often and will try to help keep the small shops in the centre of the village going, as well as the small shops in our own village.

Another morning in the garden, this time a sunny one, planting out tomato plants and putting up canes for more, as well as a second sowing of haricot beans because our friend G says the moon is right for them today. It's been so cloudy I haven't seen the moon for a couple of weeks! Then home for pigeon pot-roasted with figs that I'd conserved in Armagnac a couple of years ago. Another perfect Sunday.

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