Let There Be Light

By solli

Goosey Goosey

I told you all the good stuff was in the other direction!

It was a beautiful sunny Sunday with not a cloud in the sky. I wanted to check on a pair of parents-to-be at Watchung Lake so I took my drive and spotted these two little goslings foraging along the reservoir with their parents. Aren't they adorable?

I had visited the lake last Friday, hoping to see the swans. No luck with them but I happened to stumble upon a young pair of geese quite by accident. They'd built their nest in a low grassy area alongside a creek. It's quite a lovely spot with a small pebble beach and stunning views! But as I drew near, both mom and dad spread their wings wide and hissed me into hell. I really couldn't blame them for wanting me gone.

I stood my ground though, and spoke to them continually. I figured if Jane Goodall could tame gorillas, I could calm down two birds. I told them all about the trials of parenthood and what wonderful parents they will be once their hatchlings break through. The female relaxed and went about her business of incubating while she rotated 360 degrees in order to find interesting things to eat. Her mate took a quick dip in the creek.

As I approached the nest today, the male flew in to stand guard about three feet from his mate. I do believe they recognized my voice since they didn't hiss or spread their wings this time. In fact, the young missus even fell asleep briefly then raised herself to change position and check on her clutch of six speckled eggs.

I'll return after awhile since I don't want to disrupt them too much during this period. There is a chance they may abandon the goslings if I continue to visit and I don't want that to happen.

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